While the traditional Schooner Race takes place on the water, the Virtual Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race is a totally online event. Instead of competing under sail, schooner teams race to raise money for charity in a three-day period.

Each schooner chooses a nonprofit partner—an organization working to preserve and protect the Chesapeake Bay’s history and ecology. They reach out to crew, friends, family, and the wider internet to raise funds for their cause.

The Tugantine Norfolk Rebel races to support the GCBSR and the schooner Adventurer to support the Educational Grants awarded to area non-profits each year.

The schooner that raises the most money is the winner!

The Virtual Race was conceived in 2020 as a way to keep serving our mission, even when it was impossible to run a full race on the water. Over the past two years, the Virtual Race has raised over $100,000 for conservation and education work on the Chesapeake Bay.

We’d love to have you as part of the 2024 Virtual Race. Please join us by
registering to race
donating to support your favorite vesselo 0r
becoming a volunteer.

Follow us on Facebook and as soon as the 2024 Virtual Race begins you can come back to this page to donate.