High school students aboard Virginia follow stations highlighting the Bay’s ecology.
Fifth graders from area schools volunteer to help raise sails aboard Pride of Baltimore II.
Students examine naval charts and learn about navigation aboard Pride of Baltimore II.

Our educational programming brings young people living near the Bay aboard our schooners for a unique and exciting experience. Many of the schooners have well-developed programs with professional educators that make these vessels very effective learning platforms in STEM, ecology and history. Students enjoy hands-on lessons that promote awareness of the Chesapeake Bay’s maritime heritage and encourage the preservation and improvement of the Chesapeake’s natural resources.

Race Week in Baltimore

Each October, the GCBSR hosts dockside and onboard programs prior to the Race.

Instructors: Apply to Participate in 2024

Instructions for Educators

Please complete this application to bring your students to Race Week in Baltimore educational programs.

Past Programs


The fifth-grade class of Hampstead Hill Academy was invited to participate in educational sails. 32 students sailed during race week aboard Pride of Baltimore II and 56 participated in sails aboard the skipjack Sigbee and the buy boat Mildred Belle.


98 fifth- and ninth-grade students from Great Mills High School and St. Casimir’s Catholic School sailed aboard the schooner Virginia and Pride of Baltimore II.

They participated in problem-solving education stations introducing them to simple machines, navigation by compass and the ecology of the Bay watershed. Students also participated in a dockside talk alongside Lion of Baltimore.

Eight adults were introduced to traditional sailing vessels aboard Jolly Dolphin.


The suspension of the Bay Race due to COVID gave rise to the Virtual Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race. The VGCBSR continues and proceeds support partner organizations.


The GCBSR partnered with the Downtown Sailing Center to “Sailing through STEM” for 27 fifth-graders. This group, and the rest of their fifth grade class, participated in a 2.5 hour under-sail program aboard Sultana, where they experienced a variety of hands-on activities focusing on colonial history, maritime skills and environmental science.

35 students from two additional schools participated in dockside education activities aboard Pride of Baltimore II, Virginia and A.J. Meerwald.

Race Week in Norfolk

The GCBSR hosts dockside and onboard programs at the end of the Race.

Instructors: Apply to Participate in 2024

Instructions for Educators

Please Complete this application to bring your students to Race Week in Norfolk educational programs.

Past Programs


Suspended due to COVID


Portsmouth and Norfolk public school children were invited to view schooners and talk with crews. Education sails were provided for for 35 ninth graders on schooners Virginia and Lady Maryland.

Summer Sails Aboard Woodwind

GSCBR makes summer sails available for young people around the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. For many it was the first time they’d stepped aboard a boat.

Past Programs

2022: GCBSR supported Annapolis Parks and Recreation sails for thirty youth and three chaperones aboard the schooner Woodwind.

2021: GCBSR supported Annapolis Parks and Recreation sails for eighty youth and chaperones aboard the schooner Woodwind.