The Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race

The GCBSR was founded to promote public awareness of the Chesapeake Bay’s maritime heritage and encourage the preservation and improvement of the Chesapeake’s natural resources. We accomplish this goal by presenting educational programs and supporting regional organizations who share this vision.

Thanks to all for making 2024 a great success!

2024 Bay Race Results and Awards
2024 Virtual Race Fundraiser Results

GCBSR Educational Grant Program

The GCBSR works year-round to support Chesapeake Bay education efforts with a special eye toward the next generation.

Congratulations to our 2024 grant recipients

Our Next GCBSR Sea Story Webinar
February 20th 7:00 pm EDT

Read more & register

Abigail Mullen will explore the US Navy’s engagement in the Barbary Wars and how that engagement played a significant role in putting the newly-established United States on the world stage. Her investigation includes the ways in which the maritime environment itself, and the material reality of life at sea, played a critical role in this conflict. Mullen is an assistant professor in the history department at the United States Naval Academy. Her work focuses on the early American navy.

Our Promises To You

Promote awareness of the Chesapeake Bay’s heritage Encourage preservation of the Bay’s resources Support Chesapeake Bay education and clean-up efforts Bring historic schooners to the Bay Encourage schooner sailing and preservation

There’s So Much More

“There’s so much more to the GCBSR than big beautiful boats racing down the length of the Bay. Festivities span five days and include opportunities for hands-on learning, touring the boats, mingling with captains and crew, and singing sea shanties.”

Mark Talbot
Spin Sheet, Crew Member of the Woodwind


GCBSR YouTube Channel