The Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race

The GCBSR was founded to promote public awareness of the Chesapeake Bay’s maritime heritage and encourage the preservation and improvement of the Chesapeake’s natural resources. We accomplish this goal by presenting educational programs and supporting regional organizations who share this vision.

Coming August 21-24

GCBSR Virtual Race to raise funds for area non-profits. See more

Registration is Open
for participation in the 2024 Race See more

CBSR announces an invitational, Non-Schooner Class open to “traditional” vessels and to vessels with a mission that aligns with the GCBSR. See Racing Classes

GCBSR Educational Grant Program

Congratulations to our 2024 grant recipients.

GCBSR Sea Story

Recorded webinars with captains, boat builders, sailors and educators.

Our Promises To You

Promote awareness of the Chesapeake Bay’s heritage Encourage preservation of the Bay’s resources Support Chesapeake Bay education and clean-up efforts Bring historic schooners to the Bay Encourage schooner sailing and preservation

The Pinnacle of Our Sailing Season

“We come back each year for the camaraderie and the competition. It’s fun to stretch Woodwind’s legs and to sail overnight. The event always is the pinnacle of our sailing season.”

Jen Kaye
Schooner Woodwind Cruises


GCBSR YouTube Channel